By Edwin A. Locke Actually, we should never have gone to Afghanistan in the first place. Military training does not help fundamentalist countries in the absence of value training, and value training could only work if a large portion of th…
The free nations of the world should work together to achieve the highest degree of separation possible between their world and the unfree world. By Edwin A. Locke The United FREE Nations
By Jonathan Turley July 24,2023 LINK: The New Authoritarians Excerpts: “I shall resist any illegal federal court order.” When “the Court’s interpretation of the Constitution is egregiously wrong,” …
The ONLY moral imperative for American's is to abolish all public education. See below: There's Nothing Worth Saving Some Excerpts: (This shows the absolute cowardice of today's Conservatives) Already Republican candidat…
One Red State - Iowa. One Blue State - Minnesota Iowa is drastically cutting government and regulations, while Minnesota is going "full-on" Progressive, piling perversely bad ideas on top of each other. In short, move to Iowa. Iowa vs Min…
By Edwin A. Locke Excerpt: The U.N. is based on a contradiction. The U.N. was supposed to be a mechanism for keeping the peace, but it made a big mistake. Although it has a formal Declaration of Rights, virtually any country can be a membe…
This article is by Richard M. Salsman July 8,2023 No better, more reliable forecaster of the US business cycle has existed in recent decades than the initial shape of the US Treasury yield curve, and since last October it’s b…
This is posted originally at the Ayn Rand Institute's New Ideal page. Steve Bannon: Enemy of the USA Excerpts: Many Americans are scared about where the country is going. They have been watching radicals marching through the institutions …
This is a brilliant, easily understood article on the genius of Aristotle. Indeed, we owe our very lives to him, even though he lived centuries ago. An Excerpt: Let me start with a wild claim that may strike you as outrageous hyperbole: Aristotle …
I am forwarding/copying this article from the Brownstone Institute. It is vital reading for anyone concerned about Individual Liberty. Here are some highlights and the link: …