RandsDay Boostagram

What is the one stumbling block that has crippled mankind for more than two millennia? Tune in to find out. Martin had sent a digital telegram (boostagram) with a note and a treasure of 221,905 Satoshis, to Podcasting 2.0 podcast with Adam Curry & Dave Jones.
Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (two cents) to the conversation, by joining (for free) The Secular Foxhole Town Hall. Feel free to introduce yourself to the other members, discuss the different episodes, give us constructive feedback, or check out the virtual room, Speakers' Corner, and step up on the digital soapbox. Welcome to our new place in cyberspace!
Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:
- Randsday
- Original Sin
- Second Renaissance
- Ayn Rand at the Ford Hall Forum
- Boostagram numerology
- New podcast apps
- Fountain
- Podverse
- Liberty boost of 1776 Satoshis
- 2112 album by Rush
- Richard Salsman
- Value 4 Value
- Trader Principle
- Podcasting 2.0 Episode 119: Bowl of Noodles
- Martin (Lyceum) on Podcast Index DOT Social
- Announcement: Direct Alby account top-up with MoonPay
- Hot on Fountain, Podcast Charts: Baller Boosts
- The Secular Foxhole website (powered by Podpage)
- Human Progress DOT org
- Superabundance book
- The Open Podcast Prefix Project by Jon Spurlock
- Podpage Podcast Player Badge Set
- Boston Tea Party
- Atlas Shrugged Day
Episode 65 (27 minutes) was recorded at 2200 Central European Time, on January 28, 2023, with Ringr app. Martin did the editing and post-production with the podcast maker, Alitu. The transcript is generated by Alitu.
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Blair:Hello, everyone.
Blair:This is episode 65 of the Secular Foxhole
Blair:Today is just Barton and I, and we're going to
Blair:cover some topics that we want to talk about and we think are worthy of mention.
Blair:This coming February 2, of course, is Iron Rand's birthday.
Blair:She was born in 19 five.
Blair:Was it still Russia back then, or was it the
Blair:Soviet Union, one or the other.
Blair:And we want to celebrate that birth by
Blair:continuing the tradition.
Blair:I think that Harry Ben's wanting to start
Blair:calling it Rans Day.
Blair:Martin, I want to kick off by asking you or
Blair:saying, do you know that for more than two millennia, 99% of the world operates on a
Blair:false premise? Can you guess what that premise might be?
Martin:You have to tell me about that.
Blair:It's original sin.
Blair:Or that man is fallen.
Blair:All the strife, all the misery, all the bad things are based on this false premise.
Blair:All the bad things that are happening are based on this false premise.
Blair:Not because man has fallen, because man has accepted, for the most part that this is true.
Blair:That's more than my personal opinion.
Blair:I think it's fact.
Martin:Yeah. And that's what's valuable, that Rand didn't accept that she had to move from
Martin:one place to another and then build a career and writing and come up with a philosophy and
Martin:so on.
Blair:She escaped the closet of the Soviet Union, came to breathe the free air here in
Blair:America, but she also saw that America was headed in that direction and still is, sadly,
Blair:because of the false premise that nearly everyone accepts.
Martin:Go ahead.
Martin:Yeah. Hopefully to see, because she also
Martin:saying, to paraphrase, as we are doing, fighting for Second Renaissance.
Martin:We are living here today, and thanks to technology and sort of free market, we
Martin:could do it, and we have freedom of expression and free speech.
Martin:Again, what we'll talk more also about this podcast and 2.2 initiative and value for
Martin:But it's hard to stop.
Martin:I mean, she went from a place where you couldn't speak out, and then she saw that in
Martin:America, some way that was similar way also.
Martin:But she got the platform, for example, for the
Martin:whole forum that she founded and her, you could say, magazines or newsletter and also
Martin:that she wrote op eds and yeah, many things, fiction and.
Blair:Nonfiction, obviously, and then the talks.
Martin:So that's why a day like that, you could celebrate that.
Martin:She was born on February 2, 1905.
Blair:That's correct.
Blair:Yes. I first remember, I think I was 23, and I
Blair:was introduced to the Fountain Head by a good friend of mine.
Blair:Still my good friend, one of my two good friends is here in America.
Blair:He just said, hey, have you ever heard of this?
Blair:I want you to read this.
Blair:I think he's more accurate of how he
Blair:approached me about it.
Blair:And I said, sure.
Blair:And, boy, the saying is true.
Blair:It changed my life.
Blair:It opened up a whole new vistas for me.
Blair:I realized also that I had a lot of work to
Blair:do, shedding and shredding religion and other chains.
Blair:So I'm still working on that today, some 40 years later.
Blair:40 plus years later.
Martin:Yeah, that's what you said before, that even if we don't accept it and we don't
Martin:pick it or choose it, it is in society in different way.
Martin:And the culture about this sin lately, it is about the new religion, like environmentalism.
Martin:Because we are breeding or taking space or place or changing our environment,
Martin:our surroundings, it's like a sin.
Martin:Because when they accept in a way, because the
Martin:animals of the nature, they don't have free will, so then they can't be blamed, so to
Martin:But if you have it, then it's some sinful
Martin:I think about the hardcore environmentalists
Martin:at least.
Blair:It'S becoming broader, I think, across the board in a way, because there's so many
Blair:absurdities that you see in the news today about that.
Blair:Of course they would claim that you and I are planet Rapists because we.
Martin:Don'T follow that bug to come or something like that.
Martin:And again, we will focus on a positive thing you could see when you saw about the
Martin:original sin and what brand went from the country and how what's going on now.
Martin:But we have also mentioned in the episode about Russian Orthodox Church, for example,
Martin:and how they playing a role in the war going on, right?
Blair:Yes. Putin and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Blair:There's your attila in the witch doctor premise right there.
Blair:And that's that Ukraine is not perfect.
Martin:And they have their history also.
Martin:You could look at that and we'll probably talk
Martin:more about that in the future.
Martin:And again, to celebrate somebody who wanted to
Martin:create something, you change something.
Martin:And again, when you leave it in today, if
Martin:you're fighting for that's right tomorrow's, second round of those, you fight for the
Blair:You live in it today.
Blair:That's I think more accurate quote from her,
Blair:but that's, again, just the sheer magnitude of her genius.
Blair:And I've often said to some people that you could take a single paragraph of what she
Blair:wrote and do a doctoral thesis on it.
Blair:You do your doctoral thesis on it.
Blair:That's how in depth and how clear logical she was.
Blair:Otherwise, go ahead.
Martin:Yeah, we do it in our way, not to remind individuals about that thinking
Martin:So we had an episode here in August 2022
Martin:called Ran Stay Boost Number 54.
Martin:And I created then you could say, I mean, it's
Martin:open to everyone to do it, but then to add it on a numbers page of Boost, like symbolic
Martin:numbers on a page on GitHub.
Martin:And then Ran Stay Boost number was created.
Martin:And that's this number that you could say slowly so audience could get it and write it
Martin:down, the number it.
Blair:Is 221905 and that's February 2 and.
Martin:The year 19, 1905. And then it will be become 221,905 Satushi's.
Martin:And then you could ask what's the Satushi? That's a bit of a bitcoin, correct.
Martin:The Bitcoin is daily price changes.
Martin:So today, now it's around $50 in fiat money,
Martin:fiat currency or whatever you want to call it.
Martin:So if you would donate that.
Martin:So I have a call to action here that you download a new podcast app like Fountain and
Martin:podverse and then you could stream Satoshi's and also send Satoshi like a booster gram and
Martin:like a digital telegram on Ramsay, for example.
Martin:And you could do other symbolic donations like the Liberty Boast and that's 1776 Satoshi's.
Martin:Or if you, as you are, you are a fan of Rush, could do a Rush Boast and the album that was
Martin:inspired or dedicated to Rant.
Blair:Right, right, dedicated to her, yes.
Martin:And then of course you could do this Rand Stay boost of 22195 Satoshi around $50
Blair:The interesting thing again, we want to follow up from our last guest, professor
Blair:Richard Ebeling.
Blair:He said that for any currency, to be honest,
Blair:it has to be separated from government control, it has to be a market driven
Blair:And Bitcoin, I believe, is that it's certainly
Blair:leading us out of the fiat currency abyss.
Blair:That's why, although we are still nervous and
Blair:neophytes concerning Bitcoin, we are staunchly in favor of it because of that separation of
Blair:economics and state.
Blair:Go ahead.
Martin:Yeah, as an example, then, we are new to this and new beasts and also, as we call it
Martin:sometimes we are serious about to be capitalism.
Martin:That Richard Solsman explains so good that cap is coming from, for example, a cap, baseball
Martin:cap or thinking cap or capital in that way the brain and activity and the mind and create
Martin:So that's why you do the so called walk the
Martin:talk and you also listen to other podcasters and you see what they are proposing and their
Martin:value, what they are creating.
Martin:And you do an exchange voluntarily, value for
Blair:That's right.
Martin:And that it could be related to the trade principle, for example.
Martin:But here is to think about it, what's worth to listen to us, to listen to our guests and what
Martin:we create and what we write in blog post and so on.
Martin:So I did ran state boost to Adam Curry and Dave Jones of Podcasting 2.0.
Martin:Podcast recently.
Martin:So it will be on time to Ransday.
Martin:It was on a Friday there.
Martin:So when I said that from the Instagram page
Martin:and Rans day boost of 22195 Satushi's Brand's birthday February 2 19, five guest premises.
Martin:My name Martin Linda Cook and then I am on Lysum on Podcast Index social that is on this
Martin:mastered on service and they read it on air, so to speak, and when it's now published also.
Martin:So you could make a clip of it and send out and be inspired and do a call to action,
Martin:If you have any questions about how you do it
Martin:now fountain.
Martin:And also it's easy by this Get Albi thing and
Martin:also to top up your wallet, so to speak.
Martin:So you could do that with the debit card and
Martin:Via in a very easy way.
Martin:It's payment transfer service, I think you
Martin:call Moon Pay, but it's integrated in the app, so you don't have to do all kind of side steps
Martin:or different applications or several steps.
Martin:It's very easy to do.
Martin:But fascinating is also when you do that, it's to think about now I'm changing fiat to real
Martin:money to bitcoin and now I'm giving it away as a value for value.
Martin:But there your own bit of a bitcoin, very small, but a bit, and that's the transaction
Martin:then it has to be.
Martin:And that will be interesting.
Martin:Like David, wexler talked about proof red, but it's correct and it's very open and
Martin:So it will take some time.
Martin:Of course, if you go to the bank, it could take some time manually and so on.
Martin:And if you do it value exchange or like going to an exchange physical, it takes time also.
Martin:But to wait you get the confirmation and then up to maybe like a half an hour or something
Martin:like that.
Martin:But then it's there, but then they have to
Martin:check it, but everything is in order to do it.
Martin:So it's fascinating to see.
Martin:And then I could create this booster ground with Digital Telegram and send it and when I
Martin:see they receive it and then it show up on the fountain like now called Bowler Boost if it's
Martin:bobbling or like a big strike or what's the reference, but it's also listed now in
Martin:Fountain Activity feed.
Martin:So I have got a nice comment, like a heart or
Martin:like you could say and that's ten sets, everyone doing that.
Martin:And also we will let Van Van, after we're going through with statistics, do a shout out
Martin:to individuals that have supported us by streaming and also sending in a boost to grab.
Blair:Now we have a couple of websites that we want
Blair:to promote for the secular foxhole and one of them, of course, is Https, the secular hyphen
Blair:foxhole captivate FM and I'm trying to bring up the other one.
Martin:Yeah, the secular foxhole in one word, live.
Blair:That's right.
Martin:Thank you.
Blair:Yes, that's correct.
Martin:You got that great domain.
Blair:Yes, I did.
Martin:It's powered by Pod page.
Blair:Pod page, it's crazy.
Martin:Tool web tool, web page tool for podcasters.
Martin:And we will be I will remind Brandon about to add to the buttons to listen here or download
Martin:Also new podcast apps.
Martin:We could add it on the website because now, how do you say the old ones, but they are not
Martin:compliant or with value for value, they are welcome to come, but we are focusing on the
Martin:new one like podverse and fountain.
Martin:But you also could listen our lives.
Martin:It was interesting to hear when we were talking, when they mentioned it, so when it's
Martin:really on the air, you could say, True.
Blair:I was glad again.
Blair:Plus, it's very reasonable at $20 a month for
Blair:the Pod page live site.
Blair:That's exceptionally reasonable.
Blair:And in keeping with the majority of our show, hope today, hopefully today is positive.
Blair:I want to mention this great website called HumanProgress.org O-R-G and they specialize
Blair:and focus on the great things that human progress and humanity are doing today that
Blair:don't get any press, if you will.
Blair:And they also, I guess, the founder of the
Blair:website, Marion Tupi, T-U-P-Y-M-A-R-I-A-N this gentleman and co author, they came out with a
Blair:book called Superabundance, basically about all the great things that are happening in
Blair:spite of interference by people like the environmentalists and so on and so forth.
Blair:And the people like the WEF people clause Schwab, who wants to do the great reset.
Blair:But anyway, I'm at that website right now.
Blair:Let me just read a couple of the great things
Blair:that are happening that probably very few people know about.
Blair:Let's see.
Blair:Asteroid mining startup Astro Forge to launch
Blair:first space missions this year.
Blair:That's pretty cool.
Blair:And here's a great one how to be 18 years old Again for only $2 million a year.
Blair:Now, wait till now, those who want to abolish billionaires, wait until they do that.
Blair:And for you and I, it's $200 a year.
Blair:That's how the market works.
Blair:Let's see.
Blair:But this story promising.
Blair:Gene therapy delivers treatment directly to the brain.
Blair:And now you can open that up and find out what that's about.
Blair:But there's several, just hundreds and hundreds of things going on daily all around
Blair:the world that no one ever knows about.
Blair:So HumanProgress.org Org is a great place to
Blair:go to uplift your spirit.
Blair:And their book, too, which I bought, but I
Blair:haven't got to it's on the pile to be read, of course, but I haven't started that yet.
Blair:But I will.
Blair:I'm trying to get the author on for that on
Blair:our show this year.
Blair:But as far as new guests coming down the pike, I have to get busy.
Blair:I haven't really set anything up other than we have a potential guest in her book, but it
Blair:hasn't been finalized.
Martin:And we have also a potential fellow podcaster, so we will maybe next time we could
Martin:give some more updates on that pipeline.
Blair:But the main focus of the show today was we wanted to celebrate and promote Rand's
Blair:Day, February 2.
Blair:And I personally want to thank Ms. Rand for
Blair:everything she's done for me and has continued to do for me.
Blair:That's basically all I've got.
Martin:Martin yeah, so we'll do here about the stats from Captivate.
Blair:Yes, please.
Martin:So the all time unique listeners are now 3561.
Martin:And of course, you have to take it with a bit of grain of salt and how you
Martin:measure it, but they should measure it like on IP address or unique identification for
Martin:someone without any privacy, things like that.
Martin:That's interesting over this time and then the
Martin:download total so far is 7078.
Martin:And so the average per day, calculating the analytics page is like eight
Martin:per day, but we have been pretty stable.
Martin:But we want to grow that.
Martin:We see the potential, 80 per day, 800, et cetera.
Martin:So we will shoot for that in the long run.
Martin:But it's a good trend and you see the latest.
Martin:I sent you some stats from different episodes, but some old ones will continue to be listened
Martin:to and downloaded and also new ones that is going good.
Martin:So if you take like an average per 28 days, like a month, that's 224.
Martin:And if you compare with that general number still I think 150 downloads, unique downloads
Martin:per episode.
Martin:Of course it depends on the length of the
Martin:podcast, how often you are publishing, et cetera.
Martin:If you take all the podcasts out there and according to podcast index where it's 4
Martin:million that are registered, but they could also be maybe not so active and so on.
Martin:So if you see like on a three months period, maybe you have around 500,000 or something
Martin:like that.
Martin:So if you take that and see 150 and you have
Martin:some that are lower than that and then of course some of our much bigger and so on, we
Martin:are getting there.
Martin:Yes, we have like two episodes per month, 224,
Martin:28 days when we are getting there, but we aspire to continue because we see again the
Martin:potential and that could be also I don't have a list there but I sent the screenshot, I
Martin:think it's 85 countries now or something like that.
Martin:But I've downloaded and list the top list that I sent to you were also with USA, India,
Martin:Sweden, et cetera, also knew what they are up and coming and so on.
Blair:That's great.
Blair:I didn't look at the whole list but I saw the
Blair:top ten or.
Martin:20 and I also mentioned a guy called John Sperlock, but he has a product called
Martin:Upfree Dev and I also sent you a link so he has very interesting data.
Martin:For example, it was one special app that I wonder that was popular in Spanish language
Martin:Radiance, where that could come from, for example.
Martin:And I don't think we will look into that more in the future.
Martin:And then I went here also I will do a
Martin:proposition or proposal also for new boost to gram numbers, but we will do a shout out here
Martin:to Karen Down and I will now open the app here of the Fountain app.
Martin:Yeah, and I have it here.
Martin:So we have in his latest period of like 30
Martin:days, we have got earned 1467 sets to supporters.
Blair:Nice. That's very nice.
Blair:Thank you, guys.
Martin:Mere mortals on fountain.
Martin:So that's Chiron, he sent 1376, and then
Martin:somebody called yes Brewer.
Martin:I think it's saying like ninety one cents.
Martin:And that's like the streaming.
Martin:And he tyrone did that on the latest episode
Martin:with Dr. Evelyn and he says it was 2222, like the docs in the row.
Martin:Okay, that was a very interesting point about how slave owners were against capitalists
Martin:because of how they would treat their workers.
Martin:Rather amusing if it wasn't so messed up.
Blair:I appreciate that.
Martin:So that's what you could do if you something that you comment on or thinking
Martin:about or got your thinking, and you could do it in different ways.
Martin:And then it's to send a digital telegram and send the symbolic numbers with satoshi's.
Blair:True enough, sir, true enough.
Martin:Well, yeah, at when I propose this to have like a Boston Tea Party boost, could be
Martin:something for the future, and it will be then twelve, and then I don't remember.
Blair:Okay, you tell me.
Martin:And then one seven, seven free.
Martin:So it's like twelve month with December.
Martin:So that will be like 12 million satoshi.
Martin:So around $2,800 today's value.
Martin:But that could be something for end of the year here for somebody maybe in Boston area to
Martin:celebrate, because I think it's very important day to remember and celebrate and think about.
Martin:And then at the end here, how about Atlas Frag Day, 1946.
Martin:So that's September 2.
Blair:September 2, 1946.
Martin:So that will be then around US dollar 212 in today's.
Martin:And you could go to if you want to check out the currency here, currency world, like the
Martin:globe currency world.
Martin:And then you could check for Satushi.
Martin:Then you could put in your US dollar whatever fiat currency.
Martin:And then satushi.
Blair:I like that.
Blair:So again, happy ran stay happy, happy
Blair:birthday, Iron Rand.
Blair:And thank you, Martin.
Martin:Thank you Blair, and talk to you soon again.
Blair:Sounds wonderful.