Today we celebrate Ayn Rand's Birthday. February 2, 1905 will live forever once her ideas gain hold in a culture. Any culture - hopefully America's. The sooner the better. We also discuss other positive cultural trends such …
Happy New Year everyone! Our first guest of the year is Scott Powell. Homeschooler, historian and self-described, "nomad capitalist." He is the author of three books, most notably, The History of Now, and The History of Tomo…
Today it’s just Martin and I going over a great year of shows, some plans for next year, and some statistics. Merry Yuletide everyone! Happy New Year! Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (…
Today, our returning and distinguished guest, Andrew Bernstein, will prevail upon us his forthright defense of Western Civilization. Listen to this talk while clicking the link to his essay concerning the same. Call-to-Actio…
In episode 90 we talk with Neil Erian, a former math teacher who has discovered perhaps the true cause of school shootings; the schools themselves - specifically their curriculum. Don't miss this hard-hitting exposé on the m…
Presentation of the Thomas Paines Institute by Alex Bleier and Kevin Osborne. Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (two cents) to the conversation, by joining (for free) The Secular Foxhole…
Today we talk with Mike Berliner and Anu Seppala about their book, Russia to America: A Guide to Ayn Rand Homes and Sites . We cover Miss Rand's journey from Czarist Russia to the United States and the homes and business off…
Martin and Blair cover a variety of topics today. From the Olympics to Objectivism, not to mention Human Progress and the overall bleak outlook. We also talk about a review of our podcast, the Podcasting 2.0 initiative, and …
Today we talk about an odd piece of news about the Olympics, plus some good news concerning both Progress and Objectivism. Then Martin covers our show stats and other items of interest. Call-to-Action: After you have listene…
Blair is sharing information about conferences on liberalism and secularism, books by catholic conservatives, and spot-on joke regarding the upcoming presidential election in the United States America. Martin is talking abou…
We welcome back Brian Simpson to talk about his 2005 book, Markets Don't Fail. Tune in for a lively discussion covering several topics found in most/all economic textbooks, and why those books are misleading, at best, and ou…
Today we chat with Marsha Enright, President and Program Director of Reliance College. Of the many topics we cover: The significance of the name Reliance. What is their core program of subjects. The Unknown beauty of the cit…
Martin and I discuss our latest News Sandwich with different topics, e.g., anti-trust and Apple, climate pressure groups and financial investors, and car issues in Maine. Martin goes through our show statistics, and gives a …
This episode has us talking with returning guest, Aaron Smith of the Ayn Rand Institute. Today's topic is Stoicism's "Worst Idea." Join us for a lively discussion. Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add…
Ayn Rand would have been 119 years old on Feb 2, 2024. Today we have Philosopher Andrew Bernstein with us to discuss her novels and philosophy. We talk about the significance of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, along wit…
We wrap up our discussion with Professor Hicks concerning his book. Truthfully, we could do about five more hours covering this plague upon Mankind. Alas, we will see if we can do that in the future. Happy New Year! Call-to-…
Today we offer you a wide-ranging discussion on racism with Professor Bernstein , that includes both his fiction novel, Reckoning , and his non-fiction work, entitled - American Racism: Its Decline, Its Baleful Resurgence, a…
Today we're delighted to interview author Frederick Seiler, author of God Vs Nature, an overview of the historical conflict between reason and faith. Between science and religion. Let it be noted that this book is different …
Today we have as our guest, James Valliant, who studied Objectivism with Dr. Lenonard Peikoff , Ayn Rand's legal and intellectual heir, to celebrate Dr. Peikoff's 90th Birthday (October 15, 2023). Call-to-Action: After you h…
Today we talk with Michael Liebowitz, author of View from a Cage , about his life in prison and his intellectual growth to become an advocate of liberty. This is a very interesting and stimulating conversation. Call-to-Actio…
Today Martin and I go over some show statistics, and talk about some cool current news items you may not have heard about. We also mention how you could support us, and spread the good word about our podcast. Martin was thin…
In this show, we talk with Canadian Patriot , Matthew Ehret, who has an unique perspective on many issues, but one here, that I concur with, concerning Eco-Terrorism. Yes, it's a real thing. Links will be in the show notes. …
We have a news sandwich with only positive news regarding clean energy, gene therapy, and lunar activities. Please support our show , if you value the content! Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add you…
In today's show, have a chat with Philosopher Andrew Bernstein, about his new pamphlet, The Truth About Climate Change . Tune in for an interesting show as we uncover facts that are routinely overlooked by the government and…