Welcome to our new website!
April 15, 2022

Donations and Podcasting 2.0

Donations and Podcasting 2.0

Martin and I do a short show giving a Huge Thank You a previous guest, who gave the show a wonderful donation. We then talk about the show’s relevance to current issues and preview future guests and discuss future plans. As a wrap-up we list different ways you could support us as podcasters, e.g., by posting reviews on Podchaser, and using new podcast apps like Fountain and Podcast Guru.

Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (two cents) to the conversation, by joining (for free) The Secular Foxhole Town Hall. Feel free to introduce yourself to the other members, discuss the different episodes, give us constructive feedback, or check out the virtual room, Speakers' Corner, and step up on the digital soapbox. Welcome to our new place in cyberspace!

Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:

Episode 46 (20 minutes) was recorded at 10 PM CET, on April 8, 2022, with Ringr app.. Editing and post-production was done with the podcast maker, Alitu. The transcript will be generated by Veed.io in the near future.

Easy listen to The Secular Foxhole podcast in your podcast (podcatcher) app of choice, e.g., Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsAmazon MusicGaanaListen Notes, or one of the new podcast apps, on Podcast Index, supporting the Podcasting 2.0 initiative, and Value for Value through Satoshis Stream (Bitcoin payments). Oscar Merry is ahead of the game, with his Fountain app. Make a micropayment transaction with the new podcast app, Fountain. You could also listen to our podcast on our own standalone app, by downloading it for free on Apple App Store and Google Play

Rate and review The Secular Foxhole podcast on Podchaser. Your support will give us fuel for our blogging and podcasting! Thanks for reading the show notes! Continue the conversation by going to our digital town hall on Haaartland.