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June 29, 2023

How To Be An Aristotelian

This is a brilliant, easily understood article on the genius of Aristotle. Indeed, we owe our very lives to him, even though he lived centuries ago.

An Excerpt:

Let me start with a wild claim that may strike you as outrageous hyperbole: Aristotle is not merely the most important ancient philosopher, and not merely the most important philosopher of all time; Aristotle is the single most important human being ever to have lived.

More than anyone else, it is Aristotle (384–322 BC) who has shaped the way that we think about so many things. His ideas and concepts have seeped into our natural ways of thinking to the point of becoming imperceptible. His work studying animals on the island of Lesbos and elsewhere in effect created the discipline of biology and – along with his wider reflections about the nature of knowledge – laid the foundations for all empirical science.
